The Maltese neurologist and priest fr.Patrick Pullicino MD, PhD, MRCP, FACP talks to fr.Elias Leyds on what currently happens in Malta and the impact of non-natural chemical contraceptives on the lifes of women, due to its effect of also changing behaviour.
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Fr.Pullicino talks about:
- the attempts of foreign (European) movements to impact the anti-abortion legislation in Malta, opening doors for the pro-choice movement and space for an option to abortion.
- the social consequences of widespread use of contraceptives,
- finally he also explains about the attempts of the new Pontifical Academy of Life which seem to aim at overturning the magesterial teaching of the encyclical Humanae Vitae, issued by St.Pope Paul VI July 25, 1968. This is a concern for the members of the orginal JPII Academy of life, organised in the new JAHLF.
VitaDonum a program series about marriage and the family, about fertility and life’s ending.
Fr. Patrick Pullicino lives in Londen and works both as a prist in a parish and as a medica; docter / Neurologist for the NHS. He is an associate member of the JAHLF.
The new JOHN PAUL II ACADEMY FOR HUMAN LIFE AND THE FAMILY ( was founded In October 2017, to serve the same goals as the original Pontifical Academy for Life, founded by Saint Pope John-Paul II for the interdisciplinary study and defense of human life in all its stages, from conception to death
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