Thoughts F.Elias Leyds c.s.j.
FilioQue English (26): Initiation into a new life of ‘not knowing’ and incompleteness
Something new: FilioQue English (25) Life wisdom from the psalms – Psalm 136 for addicts
FilioQue English (24): why that name ‘Filioque – the Catholic trademark’?
FilioQue English (23): Jordan Peterson, on the threshold between faith & gnosis
FilioQue English (22): He sees the Father in the darkness
FilioQue English (21): Three contemplative moments of fatherhood.
FilioQue English (20) – Rescuing the father in the abyss by Jordan Peterson – what does this mean for fatherhood??
FilioQue English (19) – The Father & the abyss – response to an amazing reflection of Jordan Peterson
FilioQue English (18) – The absence of anger in the West and why is Jordan Peterson so popular?
FilioQue English (17) – After the loss of faith, hope is transformed into something monstrous …
FilioQue English (16) – Retracing the causes of anger – about anti-Semitism
FilioQue English (15) – Russian anger (Part 2), why Russian-Orthodox Church cannot counter Putin/FSB
FilioQue English (14) – Follow the anger of the Russians (Part 1)
FilioQue English (13) – Follow the anger … of the Ukranians
FilioQue in English (12) – What is the ‘katechon’? (for translation see automatic subtitling)
FilioQue English (11): the madhouse mirror
FilioQue English (10) a demonic icon (English episode)
FilioQue English (9) I am tired … (English episode)
FilioQue English (8) Invasion of Ukraine, follow the anger to find root causes (English episode)
FilioQue English (7) How the war in the Ukraine forces us to pray and reflect on the logos
Vandaag precies 5 jaar geleden – eerste preek Pater Elias Leyds c.s.j. zaliger op het wereldwijde netwerk van EWTN (in het Engels)
Filioque English (6): Purgatory, a purifying fire in the soul
Filioque English (5): Purgatory – addictions & sin (English)
Filioque English (4): Purgatory – a hell of a controversy
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