
FilioQue English (34): dear militant Catholics, stop giving credit to Vladimir ‘Feliksovitch’ Putin.

Bishop Robert Mutsaerts of the Netherlands speaks his heart again. What is a woman? Apparently Rome does not know either.

FilioQue English (15) – Russian anger (Part 2), why Russian-Orthodox Church cannot counter Putin/FSB

FilioQue English (14) – Follow the anger of the Russians (Part 1)

FilioQue English (13) – Follow the anger … of the Ukranians

FilioQue in English (12) – What is the ‘katechon’?

FilioQue English (15) – Russian anger (Part 2), why Russian-Orthodox Church cannot counter Putin/FSB
Click on the picture above to start the video Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. continues his...

FilioQue English (14) – Follow the anger of the Russians (Part 1)
Click on the picture above to start the video Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. continues his...