Filioque English (37): three wars that may be fruitful @PaterElias


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March 2023 – Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. tries to discover some light in the three crisis, or places of deep crisis, mankind is currently dealing with: 

1. the invasion of Russia in the Ukraine

2. the protests of women in Iran to protect womanhood and

3. the killing of fatherhood in the West.

Harsh struggles that might lead to rediscover what was lost, or what was never known. The suffering might be the pains of birth of a new era.

Three ways where sin effects life:

The war In Ukrain is a religious fight against a Russian patriarchate, servant of the secret service, which prevents any fatherhood to grow in their realm and for which the sons are merely cannon fodder. A dramatic example in which the father kills the son.

In Iran the father rejects the woman and doesn’t want her to be fruitful. He denies that fruitfulness in life reveals something of an eternal God who is Trinity. And despite all surpression and killing going on, women remain fighting for ther womanhood.

In our own Western civilization the son doesn’t want to recognize the father anymore as the source of life. Unborn children are being killed in the womb, whereby this killing is even be justified by an ideology, which is becoming like a cult, a new demonic religion.

Additional reference mentioned in the story of : Michael Matt Remnant TV interview with Sergeant James Hipple: NYPD COP: On Midterms, Mandates, Murders & Latin Mass 


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