Fr.Elias Leyds c.s.j.

FilioQue English (45) the war for reality #2 – Call of duty: adore the Eternal @PaterElias

FilioQue English (44) the war for reality #1 – “It’s time to go over the top!” @PaterElias

FilioQue English (43) (3) Third sphere of appeasement: oecumenical relationships with Russian patriarchate/state @PaterElias

FilioQue English (42) (2) Second sphere of appeasement: so-called ‘freedom of religion’ @PaterElias

FilioQue English (41) (1) Appeasement with romantic sterility, marriage without procreation @PaterElias

FilioQue English (40) – Intro: Aggiornamento or Appeasement? @PaterElias

Holy week thoughts (6): Silent Saturday, day of eternal simplicity (English ) final reflection

Filioque English (39): the AntiChrist, vanity and the meaning of Lucifer crushing (2/2)

Filioque English (38): the AntiChrist 1 (of 2) – Lucifer crashing

Filioque English (37): three wars that may be fruitful @PaterElias

VitaDonum (8) (English) – Gabriele Kuby on sexual revolution and threats the family

José Antonio Ureta

VitaDonum (7) (English) – José Ureta about the synodal path and its threats to the integrity of the Catholic faith

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VitaDonum (6) (English) – fr.Pullicino about Malta, pro-life and danger of chemical contraception

FilioQue English (36): a minor contribution to the synodal path @PaterElias

I am non-binary too

FilioQue English (35): ‘I am non-binary too’, telling the truth in the church against all odds

FilioQue English (34): dear militant Catholics, stop giving credit to Vladimir ‘Feliksovitch’ Putin.

FilioQue English (33): foundering chapel on Mont Thabor with a rock-solid altar, a reminder of …?

Filioque English (32) – What actually is sin?

FilioQue English (31) – how to find meaning in a society that thinks it can do without God @AdamCurtisBlog @RossKemp

FilioQue English (30): Speak and my soul shall be healed

FilioQue English (29): The soul, intermediary between extremes

FilioQue English (28): Solitude & encounter

FilioQue English (27) – Initiation: before God can fill our emptiness we must first feel that emptiness…

FilioQue English (26): Initiation into a new life of ‘not knowing’ and incompleteness