Ad Theologiam Promovendam: theologie? Welke theologie? (1)

Ad Theologiam Promovendam: theologie? Welke theologie? (1)

Thuisvaart in de ark van de traditie (1)  Pater Elias Leyds c.s.j. Oisterwijk December 2023  (vertaling van de oorspronkelijk in het Engels geschreven tekst)  Verschillende mensen hebben me gevraagd om hen de betekenis uit te leggen van het laatste motu proprio van...
Fiducia Supplicans Blessing? What blessing? (3)

Fiducia Supplicans Blessing? What blessing? (3)

Homeward-bound in the ark of tradition (3): Blessing? What blessing? How the last two instructions of the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) creates genuine feelings of unease @PaterElias #FilioQueInEnglish  Homeward-bound in the ark of tradition ...
Ad Theologiam Promovendam Tradition? What tradition? (2)

Ad Theologiam Promovendam Tradition? What tradition? (2)

Homeward-bound in the ark of tradition (2): Tradition? What tradition? How the recent motu proprio ‘Ad theologiam promovendam’ creates genuine feelings of unease @PaterElias #FilioQueInEnglish  Homeward-bound in the ark of tradition In ‘FilioQue in English,...